You have to read few hundred books to come across a pearl like this..
Is it a poetry or fiction or non fiction or explaining the reality in prominent people or portraying the real incident in true way or evaluating self portrait or a science book on evolution or a book on missile or teaching of wisdom or autobiography.
No author would have so much guts to put an entire dish in one plate to surprise the reader.
Once you read this book it will erase all the book in terms of presentation.
If you read this book, then you definitely will be searching for her other books on library or in book store or online.
It resonate in you for your lifetime and you definitely feel against the concept of war.
Reviewing will become absurd and it expose your innocence towards this world..
This book find a prominent place in your book shelf and you definitely hide it Coz not to lose it..
One of the “Wonders of the world!”