The book never triggers a common man to follow him because the investment starts only if you have surplus money. i.e. money earned is more than expenses. The buffet way is to invest and forget. it will grow even when you’re sleeping.
This concept cannot be followed by the middle income group because we follow up every day and get disturbed by the rise and fall of our investments. Our commitment always chases our surplus left over income or income parked in investment and insurance. We can hold for the short term and want to sell for our expenses whether it shows profit or loss. This is the problem of middle income society who cannot hold it for long term. we sell when the market falls and buy when it is high, actually the reverse will profit more…that’s why there is only one Warren buffet.
This world writes more books about Warren buffet and Apple because they are symbols of success and both come from a country where there are more possibilities for tasting success. Even the same country was not able to produce more than one Buffet and One Apple. Hence reading about Warren Buffet is a fairy tale and IF people argue about it is not a fairy tale. Are they really rich like Warren buffett. The answer will be NO!
Actually he lures people to enter like him and only to see none will reach his goal or status. A complete misguide to readers from the middle income group.
Read and Dream but do not follow….