The Road

When crime happens for money then the society has to be blamed. Why?


First we must understand the structure of the society to understand the crime behind. 
If you take a game called Trade, in this game, the money will be distributed among the players equally and finally all the money goes to a single player. Take rummy, horse race, and any kind of games they are structured in such a way, only one person wins the entire bet money.
The society is structured in a way that 90% of the money gets accumulated to the 10% of the population. Then what, the remaining 90% struggles and a small portion of this population becomes thiefs. The thieves enter where there is surplus. Simply any surplus in the society will invite corruption/crime. 
Economist reverse-point of view, the thieves are there to loot from the rich by bringing them below to match the current existing life-style of the majority of the population. It is more about bringing equality among the people (Think!).
In Simple, Crime happens in a place where there is excess. 
But the Government always has a team to explore and solve the crime with able officers..
This movie is about such a team, which acts wisely to nab the culprit. 
All the actors did their roles fantastically!!
Superb Screen-Play!!