We are all fixed by the people around us but we don’t know
People around us do fix us but we don’t know…
I have seen one of my friends suffer due to his financial capacity to bridge income and expenses. Once he gave a costly present to a new born baby. The family called him later and told how costly and beautiful it was and the same people called me to tell me the same about my gift. What I understood is that we are fixed by people and they convey our placement hence we always sit there unconsciously and spend money for every birthday of their child. We will follow what they said, we gave a costly gift and that makes us give a costly one next time-and-next time to hold the placement. We will go bankrupt and they will be happy.
Your friends and relatives, if they come to know that you have extra money parked in some investment they try to tell some stories that have a breaking point in you. Hence you will lend to them.
Take your relatives to very costly restaurants and you hear every time when they speak to you about your treat and what they meant they wanted you to take them next time. Their manipulative words come out of nowhere and you are the victim cos you want to take them, just to keep them happy.
Every appreciated word are nothing but the placement of our society to exploit us. The placement is a drug and helps our hormones to sing and make us feel happy. I didn’t say, don’t spend but understand the money or effort you do is voluntary and you never ever get disappointed if the crowd ditches you when you are not able to do what they want…
Watch next time…