People go to office but some fail to take sick leave to show their immunity. Normally sick leave cannot be surrendered for cash but it is a paid leave, Just leave the logic behind see whenever you are in a job avail offered leave even though you are fit coz the condition of the society is to offer leave to relieve from normal mechanical life. People who never used it are the people who missed their life. They are one who grumble about the stress arising out of life. When you are programmed to live a life according to the society pattern, then follow the offer and utilise it. Taking leave irrespective of your health., will help to restore your health in good condition. Hence avail those leaves allotted to you in a year and compare and see you would have lived a better life.
we have to follow the curriculum. Suppose you are a college student and has a minimum of 5 subject. You can see all the subjects can be finished in a few months and if you ask why it has to be learned throughout the year. We all know if you want to learn a new art example bicycle it takes at least a few weeks to understand and learn. Why? because the whole art takes a minimum of six completed weeks to fall from conscious brain to subconscious brain. Once it is fallen you never going to forget it in your lifetime. The six week is bare minimum to register the entire art into. The same here in education every chapter requires six weeks to enter from conscious to subconscious then you can apply the entire learning by subconsciously called memory.. Hence instead of studying before the exam, study slowly throughout the year and excel in your life.
It is an extension of our leg. but we never give importance once it’s become six month old. It helps you to function smoothly in your official life. We need a small timetable for fueling and air-filling and every three month to do a default maintenance. I have seen people who have taken care of their vehicle never let down. Once in a month or two month try to leave your vehicle and take public transport. Why? Because it helps to know the society behaviour and also the smell of the society. You will learn a lot about common people difficulties and to feel how blessed you are. Even this helps in times of crises. If you go by walk like a common man you learn a lot, you know what the rich people do by going for a regular walk in the morning as a layman to understand the everyday behaviour of the society but a middle-class never does that and they never use public transportation or morning walking to understand the society. If you do, you know how much happiness is hidden in learning about society.