The Goose is Out

Just read it a few times to understand 

A great disciple, Riko, once asked the Zen Master, Nansen, to explain to him the old koan of the goose in the bottle

“If a man puts a gosling into a bottle,” said Riko, “and feeds him until he is full-grown, how can the man get the goose out without killing it or breaking the bottle?”

Nansen gave a great clap with his hands and shouted, “Riko!

“”Yes, Master,” said the official with a start.

See,” said Nansen, “the goose is out!”

These are called Koans and never fit into your thinking mind to solve and it slips away from the logical mind. Sometimes it looks more illogical because someone put the gosling in the bottle when it was small. And feed it, till it becomes a goose and now he wants you to release the goose out without breaking or killing it. What happens when you read this koan your mind comes into active and starts to think it as a puzzle and runs here and there inside your brain to find a solution to solve it.

But the koan doesn’t have the answer, the time you enter to solve it you miss the wisdom. It is not there to show your understanding. The moment you try to explain you miss its true meaning and it becomes false. It has to be experienced and there is no way you can explain.

Then how to reach the understanding, it can be explained till one step below. Once the parable was told by the master, the student was into thinking about knowing the answer how to bring the goose out. Suddenly the master shouted and the disciple came out of the thinking mind. The moment the puzzle fell out of his mind and he became aware of the master shouting his name and his mind fallout from the search for an answer. You’re out of the bottle called thinking and now the goose is out..

It’s simple. Actually, he is out of the whole process and the master said, “the goose is out”. 
it means you are out of the illusion of the dream that is parable.