
Illusion always happens in our mind but it was particularly told in the format of a story not to believe.

I read a real story of a hero but in all the stages of his life, he tends to behave as if he is too good. We know we act good when we commit a bad thing and vice versa. It is strongly believed, there is no and never good is followed by another good. But we are made to believe that to be so coz they expose good after good to the public and hide the bad after bad happening in between.

A hero is a thief rob the rich in order to give to the poor in the stories, why we like the story because he is the tool for executing equality in society. If you are rich would you agree…no right. That’s why the rich created a concept called police to arrest the thief. (Then the same police will use the thief to share his robbing. )

The story never ends because we believe the story never happened in the beginning. There is no hero who loots and gives it to the poor. The looting borns out of selfishness. If someone loots then he intends to retain. It’s an evil act. What should the real hero do? Instead of robbing he would have led the society for productivity and taught them the technique for earning and showed them to be self sufficient. 
No hero does that in stories because it is always easy to loot from the rich and give to the poor rather than to earn for a decade and give his belonging to the poor. 
He is no different from the rich, the rich looting from the poor, the hero looting from the rich hence both are evil.

There is no hero in us, there is a human. 
Being a hero is static but being a human is a process. you have to carry yourself good till your death to be called human. but being a hero can be born out of a single event and never it is a process. So out of a single event he would be taking comfort for his entire life. We withhold 1% and never attempt to become a real hero because we are always attempting to become a near hero not a hero. Hence we will hold ethics and always remain in the process of a hero called humans.

I always see the process, i.e. humans in everyone. But
To be a hero is walking into a selfish world.