First you are taught to sit in one place. Why?
The unwanted movement is dangerous in forest as well as in society. You are taught to sit in one place for a few years. Then comes the condition of the curriculum that makes you fit to live inside the society.
When you sit at your desk there will be a number of problems from your classmate. Someone abuses you by words or physically. You slowly learn to understand to sit with these surrounding problems and only to overcome them . In games, you are made to fail that makes you understand winning is all-not that important rather just playing with them is most.
Every learning in school initiates a ‘boy’ in you from the ‘child’. Slowly you stop crying and try to hit back at the problem. Compete is a mantra in school that’s why they give scoring in order to compare and correct your weakness, If you are bad in studies, you go for special tution to understand better and score good marks. Your marks are your talents, you grades are your recognition.
Every class has a duration of 40 minutes because you brain shift from left side to right side and vice versa every 45 minutes. Calculus comes to you at the age of 12-14 years coz then only you can learn abstract in calculation. The alphabet comes to dominate your maths rather than numbers. When you start reading calculus, you are good in abstract learning..
Teaching is a tougher job because the teacher has to teach to the last bench of the class. Sometimes we feel teachers are repeating the same, actually they are doing it for average students. You love the teacher because she teaches the subject that makes you understand easily. You love the teacher means you love her subject. This is basic logic you learn in school.
In school sports,
Take football. If you are in the forward, you see, you hit more goals than your friends or pray for them to shoot fewer goals than you. This is one way of competing and it is healthy too. Why? it makes you understand the evil in you and immediately you move out of that and become one with the friend.
School teaches how to bring a hero in you.
In traffic, I love to give a way for two vehicles even during heavy traffic.
One is Ambulance and Other is School Bus…