The readers are addicts to reading..Be Careful
A reader can enter in any character in the fiction books or stay as a judge in non fiction books. A journey makes him enjoy vicariously and alter his/her perception of a new encountered situation in the book.
Every reader experiences a different perception in literature. The experience is according to their identity and the belief. I have seen people discuss in cafes about the book as if they are real characters in life. Some writers tease some of the characters from real life. Hence, it touches more when we are reading..
If you intend to get more ‘likes’ on social media ask someone to take a snap while you are actually reading, not pretend to be reading. Why?
The picture will look divine because of the energy encircling you and your book. People are afraid of scholars because the energy of education kills the uneducated people, hence they worship scholars. You are afraid to make conversation with good readers because you innocent will pop out of your conversation.
A good reader communicates or behaves like a famous character from the read literature books.
If you say, I can’t read a few hundred pages, don’t worry. Reading is an activity of Homo-Sapiens hence there is no such activity before. Our primitive brain never registered with the skill of reading.
The activity relating to the reading is sit in one place. That is what the school teaches with punishment to sit in one place. Our few curriculum emphasize the concept of sitting in one place in the classroom. Most of the activity was related to sitting in one place to move your brain called thinking.
The Introvert is better at reading than an Extrovert. People love bookstores as an entertainment zone. I’ve made a lot of friends in the bookstore and I just have to do the act of kindling, about their favorite book and they start spreading their interesting and beautiful interpretation on my dining table of discussion.
A large beautiful bookstore or huge library can stimulate our brain as if we have seen a beautiful girl!