What should a good book do?
It must lead us to learn some more on the topic through search.
This book has led me to read robustic book named ‘Religion and Society’ by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. Which gave me immense pleasure to understand the concept behind the structure of the society.
I was reading only English non-fiction because that helps me to apply in this capitalist world but when I started to listen to Jeyamohan You-Tube videos it made me change my perception about Tamil writers and it helped me to draw into more Tamil writers (recommended by him).
I always admire Jeyamohan for his strong and truthful criticism rather than his writing. He will shoot criticism like an arrow without hesitating who was behind such events or books.
His writing was impressive because he will bring decent reference to his writing rather than other authors like S. Ramakrishnan who give details behind details and unwanted references to make the reader boring because it will only exhibit S. Ramakrshnan knowledge rather than readers preferences.
If you watch Jeyamohan keenly, he can write a book every day and can end with a minimum of 2000 books in his lifetime.
I respect him and am slowly taking him as my invisible mentor.